Bye Bye Peach Fuzz, Hello Dermaplaning!

I’m a huge advocate of shaving your face. Personally, I don’t think women should be walking around with a hairy face. Not even peach fuzz.  It turns out my obsession for shaving has reached new levels of fulfillment. Its called Dermaplaning!

The technique is not brand new, but it’s becoming all the rage lately. Think Dermaplaning; it’s done by a licensed professional; Pro-Shaving, so you get the expert technique and the personal pampering. I like it.  Actually, I love it, and you will too.

If you’re wondering… No, it does not hurt, and yes it will make your skin glow. Besides the obvious: removal of hair and a stunning after-glow; here’s the skinny on why you should get Dermaplaning.



• Medical Exfoliation technique
• Removes surface debris (outermost layers of the skin) withcustom dermaplaning blade
• Painless and safe



• Increased absorption of topical products
• Immediately diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Primes skin for any chemical peel
• Creates healthier, more radiant skin


Basically there is no excuse why every woman shouldn’t be shaving her face, so at least once a month get a pro-shave (a.k.a. Dermaplane). 😉  Not only is it exfoliating and anti-aging, but your makeup will go on better and have a beautiful finish, like never before. Your skin will instantly look better. I promise you’ll thank me later!

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