Does urea mean that there is an extract of urine in your products?

We get asked this question very often – does urea mean that there is an extract of urine in your products? No. Urea is a humectant that is found within all sorts of products in the cosmetic industry. It is manufactured in the lab. Its role within the Stratum Corneum (the outer layer of skin) is to maintain a healthy moisture balance. Often dry skin is due to a reduction of urea in the skin’s delicate tissues, which can lead to tightness and flakiness.The percentage of urea in our products varies depending on the moisture level of the foot. Therefore, a client with cracked heels will need added moisture and would be recommended the Footlogix Cracked Heel Formula, which has a relatively higher percentage of urea in it. On the contrary, if a client has a foot with peeling skin that already has moisture in it – he/she should use a product that does not add further moisture into the skin. For such a client, we would recommend the use of the Footlogix Peeling Skin Formula, which has a relatively lower percentage of urea in it.

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